The first semblances of a library in Westbrook arose in 1802 when the townspeople voted in support of a public collection. However at the time there wasn't a location available to house the library, and it didn't find a permanent home until Joseph Walker died in 1891 and donated a majority of his estate to the cause.
The Walker Memorial Library contains rooms with collections for adults, children and teens. It provides several computers for public use and also has free wireless access. Conference, meeting and study rooms are also available to be scheduled upon request.
The Local History Room contains the museum's collection of historically relevant materials. It houses the original Falmouth Social Library's collection that dates back to 1802. The History Room also holds about 50 scrapbooks with material dating from the 1890s to the 1950s.
The collection of historic photographs and tax valuations is extensive and covers a span from 1815 to 1954. The Local History Room also maintains a running anthology of Westbrook High yearbooks from 1904 to the present and city directories from 1885.
In 1891 Joseph Walker, a prominent local businessman, died and left a large portion of his earnings for the purpose of housing the Westbrook Library. The plan for this library was drawn up by Portland architect Frederick A. Thomas and was built in 1894. A new wing was added to the library in 1988 and renovations were conducted from 2007-2008.
In 1980 the Walker Memorial Library was added to the National Register of Places and in 1994 it was deemed a Greater Portland Landmark.