The Walker Memorial Library serves as the municipal library for the city of Westbrook. The oldest part of the library dates back to 1894 and an addition was added in 1988. It currently has regular collections for adults, teens and children. The library also maintains several computers with internet access and a Local History Room.
Selected Walker Memorial Library images:
S. D. Warren Mill and dam, Westbrook, 1884
Haskell Silk Mill, Westbrook, ca. 1880
Haskell Silk Mill, Westbrook, ca. 1874
S.D.Warren Machine shop, Westbrook, 1883
Walker Memorial Library, Westbrook, ca. 1940
C.B. Woodman's Pharmacy, Westbrook, 1883
Old Iron Bridge, Bridge St., Westbrook, ca 1880
Saco Street School, Westbrook, ca. 1940
Westbrook High School, Westbrook, ca. 1900